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  • Legislative Political Action Team
    Thank you to our LPAT Team - Keith Smith and Brian Gallagher for their hard work and dedication. 
    Jun 20, 2023
    We fought hard this legislative session. And when we fight, we win.
    legislative wins.pdf

    Apr 11, 2023
    They're trying to take away our retirement.  They're determined to give huge tax cuts to major corporations, and they’re using our livelihoods as a political bargaining chip! The following representatives want to slash Social Security and Medicare, even though we’ve spent our working lives paying into those programs.
    Apr 11, 2023
    The PRO Act Means More Power For Union Members When workers organize, mobilize, and strike together we can build power and win the wages, benefits, and working conditions we need and deserve. But that can be extremely difficult when our current laws keep the balance of power tilted in favor of CEOs and the super-rich.

    Page Last Updated: Jun 20, 2023 (09:57:00)
  • Communications Workers of America ~ Local 1118

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